Town Hall Meeting: Who’s Gonna Pay for these Journals?
2:00-3:30 PM
Thurs., April 8, 2010
Scholarly Communication is broken.
Your access to articles in Brain Research, Tetrahedron Letters, Cell, Nature publications, and other leading journals in every discipline is paid for to the tune of millions of dollars per year by Harvard libraries.
Journal costs are skyrocketing and free market processes are failing to control costs--STM publishers can charge what they want without regard to value because they have a monopoly on the content that you have given them. More and more you will be seeing "This article is not included in your organization's subscription " because libraries can no longer afford to buy back the content that has been freely given to the publishers. Commercial publishers make up to 40% profit on work produced here at Harvard and other research institutions. How can we establish some control over these costs and at the same time make it easier for you to regain control of your rights to use your own work?
Come to a Town Meeting and discuss what we can do to fix scholarly communication!